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Sunday, January 30, 2011

Saturday Tee Ball

Just in case anyone was wondering what we will be doing every Saturday morning from now through May, we will be at the American International school for Jeremy's Tee Ball games. This Saturday, it was Environmental Day ( I have talked about that in a previous post) so, his tee ball game didn't start until 11:30. It was really nice to sleep in, but let me tell you..after living here for 18 months, I am still not accustomed to the amount of heat and humidity here during the dry season (even though I have lived in New Orleans and Houston). I have to admit it is better to have the games at the regular time of 8 a.m. and not have to have the kids endure all the heat out on the field. But, Jeremy and his buddy, Samuel ( also in Pre- K) didn't seem to mind a bit.:)

Guy is Jeremy's personal coach out on the field.:)

Elizabeth and Guy watching Jeremy up to bat for the first time this season.

And, there's a hit!!!! Run!!!!
Really, don't stand there and watch the ball...RUN!!!!:)
Giving high fives after the game.
Jeremy really did an awesome job yesterday at his game He is so much more confident this year at playing than he was last year. He was eager to catch the ball and hit the ball off the tee. I had fun watching all the little ones out on the field....just maybe not the 90 plus degree heat!!:)


  1. ummmmm...I hate to even say it...I will go with this butt freezing cold I have here in Germany any day. I am proud of you enduring that heat without complaint. I don't think I could do it!!! Jeremy looks like a natural-Pro???

  2. Hey...are you getting my comments? I thought maybe after reading your comment on my blog, You can't see my comments? I have really felt for you this week and have checked your blog everyday! Hang in there!!!
