Happiness, is an extremely hard- working Nigerian woman. We talk a lot about the differences in how she grew up and how I grew up in the U.S. She has been working at one thing or another since she was in grade 5. She did get to go back and finish high school while she was working, though. Her education is very important to her. She told me soon after I moved here that one thing she has learned in her life growing up in Nigeria is," Madame, You can never ever trust a Nigerian man. I don't even trust my own husband!" She actually makes her husband give her some of his salary so she can buy food instead of the other way around. I always tease her and tell her she is a very un -Nigerian Nigerian!:) She seems more American than Nigerian.:) I am sure there are some trustworthy Nigerian men out there, but when Happiness doesn't trust many of them..I think I'll take her advice.:)
When I look at this statue every day, I remind myself how lucky I am to have been born outside of Nigeria. I am so happy that my daughter will not have to have the life I see so many young girls and women have here. For all you women who are living in countries where you have equal rights as men it is so easy to forget that there are still so many women struggling to have a voice of their own. Please know how blessed you are to have your own voice, your own opinions, your own money. Living here and seeing the things I see here everyday is a very good reminder of how blessed my family and I really are.
The last paragraph of this is so true! yes I was born in Nigeria by Nigerian parents but I am so grateful to have been raised my whole life in the U.S. moving back here in 2009 I have seen so much that I am grateful I never had to experience. I have learned to appreciate and respect the idea of equal rights in the states.