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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Bernice A.K.A. The Swamp Dog

I have been so busy with getting the kids in order and with all the traveling, that I forgot I didn't give anyone an update on Bernice. She came over with Guy in June and did okay on the flight. When Guy brought her to the airport in her crate, the woman at the ticket counter had to turn her crate around because she was barking at everyone she could see. She was probably trying to get anyone to get her out if the crate.:) When she arrived here in Lagos, she bonded very well with Happiness.:) They are very cute together. Bernie is always near Happiness' feet wherever she is.:) I don't know if Bernie was too happy to have the kids back in her home. She kind of had an "Oh *#@#!" look on her face when she saw both of them barreling into the apartment. Jeremy and Elizabeth missed her very much, and they immediately started chasing her around. Elizabeth was trying to pull her tail. Poor Bernie kept trying to find some quiet corners in the apartment. Happiness takes her on about three walks a day, andit is so cute to see them together. Jeremy alway wants to go with Happiness he went on a walk with her and Bernie. All the security guards on the compund know Bernie and yell to her as she walks by. It is really funny.:) Our other dog , Ralphie, is on a farm in Cleveland , Texas. He is doing very well. Apartment life would not have been very good for him since he wants to go in and out about 100 times a day.

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