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Saturday, September 26, 2009

Saturday...Bikes and Shopping! Oh My!!

On Saturday, we decided to go and rent bicycles. Everyone and their dog rides a bicycle in Amsterdam. It is crazy. There are probably more bikes in Amsterdam than there are okadas in Lagos. it is amazing! You really have to be careful because you may get run over by someone on a bike if you are not paying attention to where you are going. Guy and I decided not to bring the stroller this time because it takes about two hours for it to show up again at the baggage claim in Lagos. So, we were desperate for a way to transport the kids and not break our backs. We rented two bikes. one of them was a regular bicycle. But, the other one was only one I have seen in Amsterdam. Instead of using bike trailers for kids in Holland, people have what looks like a giant wooden wheelbarrow that is attached to the front of a bike. The children can be strapped into it , and away you go! Jeremy and Elizabeth loved it!! it was a little hard for Guy to balance it at first, but one he got the hang of it it was pretty easy for him. We rode our bikes to an area that had tons of shops (yeah!!!!) After we figured out how to lock up the bikes, we went into the stores. I think my eyes were probably popping out of my head. There were so many things to choose from! I pulled out my list of things I needed and could not get in Lagos, and I was off! It was such a great feeling to be back in a store that had exactly the things we needed.:)

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