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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Frohe Ostern!!! ( Happy Easter!)

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Happy Easter to you all!  I have to say Easter in Germany is beautiful!  The weather is so nice...not the 200 percent humidity and heat we have been used to from Lagos.:)  We woke up, ate breakfast at our hotel and headed off to church...

Guy and I read the sign for mass wrong...and realized that the priest who does mass at this church was actually doing mass at another church in another town.  So, we headed to another church in town...

Lizzy and me

No dice here either.  We decided to stay here for a little bit....we did TRY to go to church today.:)
Kids looking for their goodies

So, we headed back to the playground by the river and had the kids got for some Easter goodies.:)
It looks like they found 'em!!:)

This is our last day here in germany and we are going to enjoy every minute of it.  the kids are napping right now, and I thought I would put a few quick posts up for yesterday and today.:)  ( If you haven't checked it yet, please check the previous post about Burg was an amazing experience!)  

I asked the kids what they liked the most about Germany, and both of them answered , "THE CASTLES!!!!"  I was even able to keep Elizabeth awake in the car one day before nap time telling her to tell me each time she saw a castle...that's how many there are in this area!:)

I will miss the gorgeous spring weather and the beautiful scenery, and I am sure Guy will miss the same.  I hope you all have a very Happy and Hoppy Easter!  Next time I am on the blog, I'll be writing form Africa.  I am so glad Kirstin and the hotel we stayed in had good internet access.  It was so nice to be able to write about each day right after it happened so I wouldn't forget anything.:)  Until next last time to say this from Germany, Auf Weidersehen! :)


  1. Frohe Ostern!!! Meredith and Family. Enjoyed all your posts and a virtual trip to Germany.

  2. I could not stop laughing at the picture of y'all at Mass....with no Mass. And then in the SAME post the intense wine tasting. You are too funny! The kids keep asking me if y'all are still in Germany, I hated saying tonight, "they are leaving tomorrow". At least I knew you were close. LOVE
